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Articles Tagged with: Gen AI

AI Prompt Structuring — Does it Even Matter?

At the mesh point of human ingenuity and artificial intelligence, the importance of appropriately structured prompts is frequently underestimated. Within this dynamic (and, at times, delicate) ecosystem, the meticulous craftmanship of prompts serves as the linchpin, orchestrating a seamless collaboration between human cognition and machine learning algorithms. Not unlike to a conductor directing an ensemble, judicious prompt structuring lays the foundation for AI systems to synchronize with human intent, thereby facilitating the realization of innovative endeavors. Given the large number of interactions with Large Language Models (LLMs) based on 1:1 digital chats, it is important to carefully prompt gen AI models to generate accurate and tailored outputs.

Gartner predicts that more than 80% of enterprises will have used generative artificial Intelligence (gen AI) or deployed gen AI-enabled applications in production environments by 2026, up from less than 5% in 2023.[1] As gen AI adoption continues to accelerate, understanding proper prompt engineering structures and techniques is becoming more and more important.

With this in mind, we are going to discuss the criticality of the structure of AI prompting to the accuracy of AI outputs. Specifically, we discuss how defining objectives, assigning roles, providing context, specifying the output format, and reviews each play a role in crafting effective prompts.  

@Indian_Bronson. “salmon swimming in a river.” 15 Mar. 2023. X(Twitter), Accessed 3 Apr. 2024

Interacting with LLMs through a chat bot function may result in frustrations as users are faced with outputs that are not on par with their expectations. However, the more detail and clarity given to the model, the more resources it will have to understand and execute the task properly. In this context, “detail and clarity” means:

    1. Defining the objective

    1. Assigning Roles and Providing context

    1. Specifying the output format

    1. Reviewing & Refining

1. Define the Objective
Some good questions to ask oneself before providing a prompt to the gen AI include: What needs to be done? What tone does it have to be in? What format do we need? A 2023 Standford University study found that models are better at using relevant information that occurs at the very beginning or the end of the request.[2] Therefore, it is important to generate prompts that are context rich, and concise. 

2. Assign Roles and Provide Context
Arguably the most important part of prompting, providing context is critical because gen AI machines cannot infer meanings beyond the given prompts. Machines also lack the years of experience necessary to grasp the sense of what is needed and what is not without some explicit direction. The following principles are important to bear in mind:

Precision and Personalization: Providing detailed context and a clear role enables the AI system to deliver responses that are both accurate and tailored to individual user needs, preferences, and the specificity of the situation.

Delimiters like XML tags: & angle brackets: <> are a great way to separate instructions, data, and examples from one another. Think of XML tags as hash tagging on social media.

For example:


I want to learn about Mortgage Finance and its history

What are some key institutions in the industry?


Efficiency and Clarity in Communication: By understanding its expected role, whether as a consultant, educator, or support assistant, an AI application can adjust its communication style, level of detail, and prioritization accordingly. This alignment not only streamlines interactions but also ensures that the dialogue is efficiently directed towards achieving the user’s goals, minimizing misunderstandings and maximizing productivity.

Appropriateness and Ethical Engagement: Knowledge of the context in which it operates, and the nuance of its role allows an AI to navigate sensitive situations with caution, ensuring that responses are both appropriate and considerate. Moreover, this awareness aids in upholding ethical standards in an AI’s responses — crucial for maintaining user trust and ensuring a responsible use of technology.

3. Specify the output format
In crafting a prompt for AI text generation, specifying the output format is crucial to ensuring that the generated output is not only relevant, but also suitable for the intended purpose and audience or stakeholders. To this end:

  • Provide clear instructions that include details of the text’s purpose, the audience it’s intended for, and any specific points or information that should be included. Clear instructions help prevent ambiguity and ensure that the AI produces relevant and coherent output.
  • Set the desired tone, language, and topics so that the output is properly tailored to a business need or setting, whether it is an informative email or a summary of a technical report. Outlining specific topics in combination with language and tone setting aids in generating output that resonates with the stakeholders at the appropriate level of formality and delegates the correct purpose of such output to the end user.
  • Define constraints (length, count, tools, terminology) to help guide the AI’s text generation process within predetermined boundaries. These constraints ensure that the generated output meets the task’s requirements and is consistent with existing systems or workflows. It also minimizes review time and reduces the possibility of submitting additional prompts.

    • Supply output examples. This is a great way to encompass all the above tricks for specifying the output format. Examples serve as reference points for style, structure, and content, helping the AI understand the desired outcome more effectively. By providing a tangible example to the gen AI, a user increases the likelihood of achieving a satisfactory result that aligns with expectations.

4. Review & Refine
Last, but nevertheless important, is to review the prompt before submitting it to the gen AI. Check for consistency of terminology and technical terms usage throughout the prompt and formatting, such as tags and bullet points, to avoid confusion in the responses. Make sure the prompt follows logical flow, avoids repetition and unnecessary information to maintain the desired level of specificity and to avoid skewing the response onto the undesired path.

As users navigate the complexities of AI integration, remembering these prompting structures ensures maximization of AI’s potential while mitigating risks associated with misinformation.

Contact us to learn more about how we are helping our clients harness AI’s capabilities, informed by a strategic and mindful approach.

[1] “Gartner Says More than 80% of Enterprises Will Have Used Generative AI Apis or Deployed Generative AI-Enabled Applications by 2026.” Gartner, 11 Oct. 2023,

[2] Liu, Nelson F., et al. Lost in the Middle: How Language Models Use Long …, July 2023,

GenAI Applications for Loans and Mapping Data

RiskSpan is actively furthering the advancement of several GenAI applications aimed at transforming how mortgage loan and private credit investors work and maximizing their efficiency and performance. They include:

1. Tape-Cracking 3.0: Making RiskSpan’s Smart Mapper Even Smarter

RiskSpan’s Edge Platform currently uses machine learning techniques as part of its Smart Mapper ETL Tool. When a new portfolio is loaded in a new format, the fuzzy logic that powers the Platform’s recommended mappings gets continually refined based on user activity.

In the coming months, the Platform’s existing ML-driven ETL process will be further refined to leverage the latest GenAI technology.

GenAI lends additional context to the automated mapping process by incorporating an understanding not only of the data in an individual column, but also of surrounding data as well as learned characteristics of the asset class in question. The resulting evolution from simply trying to ensure the headers match up a more holistic understanding of what the data actually is and the meaning it seeks to convey will be a game changer for downstream analysts seeking to make reliable data-driven investment decisions.

RiskSpan made several updates in 2023 to help users automate the end-to-end workflow for loan valuation and surveillance. AI-based data loading combined with the Platform’s loan risk assumptions and flexible data model will enable users to obtain valuation and risk metrics simply by dragging and dropping a loan file into the application.

2. Modeling Private Credit Transactions

Many financial institutions and legal advisors still spend an extraordinary amount of time reading and extracting relevant information from legal documents that accompany structured private credit transactions.

RiskSpan has partnered with clients to develop a solution to extract key terms from private credit and funding transactions. Trained multimodal AI models are further extended to generate executable code valuations. This code will be fully integrated into RiskSpan’s risk and pricing platform.

The application solves a heretofore intractable problem in which the information necessary to generate accurate cash flows for private credit transactions is spread across multiple documents (a frequent occurrence when terms for individual classes can only be obtained from deal amendments).

Execution code for cash flow generation and valuation utilizes RiskSpan’s validated analytics routines, such as day count handling, payment calculations, discounting, etc.

3. “Insight Support”

Tech support is one of today’s most widely known (and widely experienced) GenAI use cases. Seemingly all-knowing chatbots immediately answer users’ questions, sparing them the inconvenience of having to wait for the next available human agent. Like every other company, RiskSpan is enhancing its traditional tech support processes with GenAI to answer questions faster and and embed user-facing AI help within the Platform itself. But RiskSpan is taking things a step further by also exploring how GenAI can upend and augment its clients’ workflows.

RiskSpan refers to this workflow augmentation as “Insight Support.”

With Insight Support, GenAI evaluates an individual user’s data, dynamically serves up key insights, and automatically completes routine analysis steps without prompting. The resulting application can understand an individual user’s data and recognize what is most important to identify and highlight as part of a loan data analysis workflow.

Insight Support, for example, can leverage insights obtained by the AI-driven “Smarter Mapping” process to identify what specific type of collateral reporting is necessary. It can produce reports that highlight outliers, recognize the typical analytical/valuation run settings a user would want to apply, and then execute the analytical run and summarize the results in management-ready reporting. All in the name of shortening the analysis time needed to evaluate new investment opportunities.


Considered collectively, these three applications are building toward having RiskSpan’s SaaS platform function as a “virtual junior analyst” capable of handling much of the tedious work involved in analyzing loan and structured product investments and freeing up human analysts for higher-order tasks and decision making.

GenAI is the future of data and analytics and is therefore the future of RiskSpan’s Edge Platform. By revolutionizing the way data is analyzed, AI-created and -validated models, dashboards, and sorted data are already allowing experts to redirect their attention away from time-consuming data wrangling tasks and toward more strategic critical thinking. The more complete adoption of fully optimized AI solutions throughout the industry, made possible by a rising generation of “AI-native” data scientists will only accelerate this phenomenon.

RiskSpan’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation in the Loan and Structured Product Space is underscored by its strategic approach to GenAI. While acknowledging the challenges posed by GenAI, RiskSpan remains poised for the future, leveraging its expertise to navigate the evolving landscape. As the industry anticipates the promised benefits of GenAI, RiskSpan’s vision and applications stand as a testament to its role as a thought leader in shaping the future of data analytics.

Stay tuned for more updates on RiskSpan’s innovative solutions, as we continue to lead the way in harnessing the power of GenAI for the benefit of our clients and the industry at large.

RiskSpan’s Top 3 GenAI Applications for 2024

In the dynamic landscape of fixed-income securities, the role of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has become increasingly prominent. This transformative force is shaping the future of data, analytics, and predictive modeling, presenting both challenges and opportunities for industry leaders.

First, the challenges:

Managing GenAI applications in a responsible and ethical manner requires developers to be mindful of data security, data integrity, respecting intellectual property, and compliance standards, among other considerations. To this end, RiskSpan:

  • Maintains control over its data within its AWS instance and shares data with AI models solely for processing requests
  • Employs data encryption during transit and at rest to ensure confidentiality and access controls to restrict unauthorized data access within the AWS environment.
  • Affirms client ownership of inputs and outputs generated by the AI model’s API, ensuring data integrity and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Supports common compliance standards, including GDPR and HIPAA.

Standing at the forefront of this evolution within the loans and structured products space, RiskSpan is actively furthering the advancement of three specific GenAI applications aimed at transforming how market participants work and maximizing their efficiency and performance.

1. Modeling Private Credit Transactions

Many financial institutions and legal advisors still spend an extraordinary amount of time reading and extracting relevant information from legal documents that accompany structured private credit transactions.

RiskSpan has partnered with clients to develop a solution to extract key terms from private credit and funding transactions. Trained multimodal AI models are further extended to generate executable code valuations. This code will be fully integrated into RiskSpan’s risk and pricing platform.

The application solves a heretofore intractable problem in which the information necessary to generate accurate cash flows for private credit transactions is spread across multiple documents (a frequent occurrence when terms for individual classes can only be obtained from deal amendments).

Execution code for cash flow generation and valuation utilizes RiskSpan’s validated analytics routines, such as day count handling, payment calculations, discounting, etc.

2. Tape-Cracking 3.0: Making RiskSpan’s Smart Mapper Even Smarter

RiskSpan’s Edge Platform currently uses machine learning techniques as part of its Smart Mapper ETL Tool. When a new portfolio is loaded in a new format, the fuzzy logic that powers the Platform’s recommended mappings gets continually refined based on user activity.

In the coming months, the Platform’s existing ML-driven ETL process will be further refined to leverage the latest GenAI technology.

GenAI lends additional context to the automated mapping process by incorporating an understanding not only of the data in an individual column, but also of surrounding data as well as learned characteristics of the asset class in question. The resulting evolution from simply trying to ensure the headers match up a more holistic understanding of what the data actually is and the meaning it seeks to convey will be a game changer for downstream analysts seeking to make reliable data-driven investment decisions.

RiskSpan made several updates in 2023 to help users automate the end-to-end workflow for loan valuation and surveillance. AI-based data loading combined with the Platform’s loan risk assumptions and flexible data model will enable users to obtain valuation and risk metrics simply by dragging and dropping a loan file into the application.

3. “Insight Support”

Tech support is one of today’s most widely known (and widely experienced) GenAI use cases. Seemingly all-knowing chatbots immediately answer users’ questions, sparing them the inconvenience of having to wait for the next available human agent. Like every other company, RiskSpan is enhancing its traditional tech support processes with GenAI to answer questions faster and and embed user-facing AI help within the Platform itself. But RiskSpan is taking things a step further by also exploring how GenAI can upend and augment its clients’ workflows.

RiskSpan refers to this workflow augmentation as “Insight Support.”

With Insight Support, GenAI evaluates an individual user’s data, dynamically serves up key insights, and automatically completes routine analysis steps without prompting. The resulting application can understand an individual user’s data and recognize what is most important to identify and highlight as part of a loan data analysis workflow.

Insight Support, for example, can leverage insights obtained by the AI-driven “Smarter Mapping” process to identify what specific type of collateral reporting is necessary. It can produce reports that highlight outliers, recognize the typical analytical/valuation run settings a user would want to apply, and then execute the analytical run and summarize the results in management-ready reporting. All in the name of shortening the analysis time needed to evaluate new investment opportunities.


Considered collectively, these three applications are building toward having RiskSpan’s SaaS platform function as a “virtual junior analyst” capable of handling much of the tedious work involved in analyzing loan and structured product investments and freeing up human analysts for higher-order tasks and decision making.

GenAI is the future of data and analytics and is therefore the future of RiskSpan’s Edge Platform. By revolutionizing the way data is analyzed, AI-created and -validated models, dashboards, and sorted data are already allowing experts to redirect their attention away from time-consuming data wrangling tasks and toward more strategic critical thinking. The more complete adoption of fully optimized AI solutions throughout the industry, made possible by a rising generation of “AI-native” data scientists will only accelerate this phenomenon.

RiskSpan’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation in the Loan and Structured Product Space is underscored by its strategic approach to GenAI. While acknowledging the challenges posed by GenAI, RiskSpan remains poised for the future, leveraging its expertise to navigate the evolving landscape. As the industry anticipates the promised benefits of GenAI, RiskSpan’s vision and applications stand as a testament to its role as a thought leader in shaping the future of data analytics.

Stay tuned for more updates on RiskSpan’s innovative solutions, as we continue to lead the way in harnessing the power of GenAI for the benefit of our clients and the industry at large.

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