Rethink your loan and structured finance data
Clean data, historical performance, and predictive analytics for loans, securities, and MSRs.
Work with the data experts in loans and structured finance.
Rethink your analytics.
Harness cloud-native analytics at scale to manage investment opportunities and financial risks.
Pricing and Trading: Loans, Securities, and MSRs
Market Risk
Surveillance for Credit Risk
Climate Risk and ESG
Research Tools and Benchmarking
Rethink: Data + Models + Analytics
Learn more about RiskSpan’s award-winning platform for loans, securities, and MSRs analytics.
Historical analysis and predictive risk forecasting – on-demand from your browser or by integrated institutional batch.
RiskSpan Technology
RiskSpan’s Edge Platform is a powerful combination of data, models, and analytics for loans, securities, and MSRs.
Your complex markets require sophisticated software AND the right people to get the most out of analytics.
Our Analysts-on-Demand solution is part of your investment in RiskSpan’s Edge Platform or available to you separately by retainer for your specialized analytics needs.