Valuation & Portfolio Analysis
Effortlessly manage loan and structured products under varying market conditions. Generate audit-ready valuations based on loan or security characteristics, market color, and proprietary behavioral models.

Loan & CUSIP Analysis
Price hard-to-value “Tier 3” assets using cash flows driven by our proprietary prepayment, default and severity models and our bond research team.
Dynamic Analytics
Generate accurate, audit-compliant prices for illiquid securities. Calibrate interest rate, loss distribution, and prepayment models for any security.
Cash Management
Accurately forecast P&I, T&I, and corporate servicing advances based on a comprehensive range of macroeconomic scenarios.
RiskSpan makes it easy to manage loan and structured product positions under any market condition.

RiskSpan Launches Comprehensive MSR Analytics Solution

Private Credit Primer Series: Insights for Investors

Preparing For Impact: How Will Non-QM Prepay Speeds React to Lower Rates?

Is Your Prepay Analysis Ready for the Rate Cut?

Leveraging Pool-Specific Performance and Recapture Analysis: A Game Changer...

RiskSpan Expands Private Credit Solution to Include Residential Transition ...

AI Prompt Structuring — Does it Even Matter?

MSR Tape to Bid in 6 Easy Steps

Get Free Access to RiskSpan’s Non-Agency Performance Trends Dashboard

RiskSpan Launches MBS Loan Level Historical Data on Snowflake Marketplace

The newest, fastest and easiest way to access and analyze Agency MBS data

Transforming Loan Data Management Using Snowflake Secure Data Sharing

The ultimate end-to-end solution for loan and securities data.
Data management, model management, and predictive analytics on one scalable, cloud platform.