Creating an MSR bid using RiskSpan’s Edge Platform is designed to be easy.

How easy?

So easy that we challenged a user to create a storylane illustrating how to get from uploading a tape to generating a price in the fewest steps possible.

She was able to get to a bid in just six easy steps!

  1. Upload the CSV file
  2. Click once to map the necessary fields using the Platform’s AI-powered Smart Mapper
  3. Click again to view the transformed and fully mapped loan-level data
  4. Select a segmentation level (loan-level, aggregate, or somewhere in-between)
  5. Select the appropriate anchor, prepay, credit, loan model and MSR inputs
  6. Click run and get your bid. (If you don’t mind more than six steps, you can iterate your inputs and model assumptions through the Platform’s easy-to-use Scenario Library module.)

How is this possible? Ultimately, it boils down to using a platform that was purpose-built to facilitate the process. RiskSpan’s platform boasts:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: The Edge Platform features an intuitive interface that allows users to navigate through different modules and functions with ease. The design focuses on minimizing the learning curve for new users.
  2. Data Integration: The platform integrates seamlessly with various data sources, allowing users to import the necessary data quickly. This integration supports the efficient preparation and analysis of MSR bids.
  3. Automated Processes: Edge offers automation for several steps in the bid creation process. This includes automated data validation, pricing models, and risk assessment tools, which help streamline the workflow.
  4. Advanced Analytics: The platform provides powerful analytics and modeling tools to assess the value and risk of MSRs accurately. Users can leverage these tools to generate insights and make informed decisions.
  5. Collaboration Tools: Edge facilitates collaboration among team members, enabling multiple users to work on a bid simultaneously. This collaborative approach enhances efficiency and ensures all relevant expertise is applied to the bid.
  6. Support and Resources: RiskSpan offers comprehensive support and resources, including tutorials, documentation, and customer service, to help users navigate the platform and utilize its features effectively.
  7. Customization Options: Users can customize the platform to fit their specific needs, including setting up custom workflows, reports, and analytics. This flexibility ensures that the platform can adapt to different bidding strategies and requirements.
  8. Security and Compliance: The Edge Platform is built with robust security measures to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Contact us to try it yourself and see how easy it is to go from a CSV file of loans to a preliminary MSR bid in just minutes.