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Articles Tagged with: Mortgage and Structured Finance Markets

An Emerging Climate Risk Consensus for Mortgages?

That climate change poses a growing—and largely unmeasured—risk to housing and mortgage investors is not news. As is often the case with looming threats whose timing and magnitude are only vaguely understood, increased natural hazard risks have most often been discussed anecdotally and in broad generalities. This, however, is beginning to change as the reality of these risks becomes increasingly clear to an increasing number of market participants and industry-sponsored research begins to emerge.

This past week’s special report by the Mortgage Bankers Association’s Research Institute for Housing America, The Impact of Climate Change on Housing and Housing Finance, raises a number of red flags about our industry’s general lack of preparedness and the need for the mortgage industry to take climate risk seriously as a part of a holistic risk management framework. Clearly this cannot happen until appropriate risk scenarios are generated and introduced into credit and prepayment models.

One of the puzzles we are focusing on here at RiskSpan is an approach to creating climate risk stress testing that can be easily incorporated into existing mortgage modeling frameworks—at the loan level—using home price projections and other stress model inputs already in use. We are also partnering with firms who have been developing climate stress scenarios for insurance companies and other related industries to help ensure that the climate risk scenarios we create are consistent with the best and most recently scientific research available.

Also on the short-term horizon is the implementation of FEMA’s new NFIP premiums for Risk Rating 2.0. Phase I of this new framework will begin applying to all new policies issued on or after October 1, 2021. (Phase II kicks in next April.) We wrote about this change back in February when these changes were slated to take effect back in the spring. Political pressure, which delayed the original implementation may also impact the October date, of course. We’ll be keeping a close eye on this and are preparing to help our clients estimate the likely impact of FEMA’s new framework on mortgages (and the properties securing them) in their portfolios.

Finally, this past week’s SEC statement detailing the commission’s expectations for climate-related 10-K disclosures is also garnering significant (and warranted) attention. By reiterating existing guidelines around disclosing material risks and applying them specifically to climate change, the SEC is issuing an unmistakable warning shot at filing companies who fail to take climate risk seriously in their disclosures.

Contact us (or just email me directly if you prefer) to talk about how we are incorporating climate risk scenarios into our in-house credit and prepayment models and how we can help incorporate this into your existing risk management framework.  

RiskSpan Named to Inaugural STORM50 Ranking by Chartis Research – Winner of “A.I. Innovation in Capital Markets”

Chartis Research has named RiskSpan to its Inaugural “STORM50” Ranking of leading risk and analytics providers. The STORM report “focuses on the computational infrastructure and algorithmic efficiency of the vast array of technology tools used across the financial services industry” and identifies industry-leading vendors that excel in the delivery of Statistical Techniques, Optimization frameworks, and Risk Models of all types.


RiskSpan’s flagship Edge Platform was a natural fit for the designation because of its positioning squarely at the nexus of statistical behavioral modeling (specifically around mortgage credit and prepayment risk) and functionality enabling users to optimize trading and asset management strategies.  Being named the winner of the “A.I. Innovation in Capital Markets” solutions category reflects the work of RiskSpan’s vibrant innovation lab, which includes researching and developing machine learning solutions to structured finance challenges. These solutions include mining a growing trove of alternative/unstructured data sources, anomaly detection in loan-level and other datasets, and natural language processing for constructing deal cash flow models from legal documents.

Learn more about the Edge Platform or contact us to discuss ways we might help you modernize and improve your mortgage and structured finance data and analytics challenges.

Climate Terms the Housing Market Needs to Understand

The impacts of climate change on housing and holders of mortgage risk are very real and growing. As the frequency and severity of perils increases, so does the associated cost – estimated to have grown from $100B in 2000 to $450B 2020 (see chart below). Many of these costs are not covered by property insurance, leaving homeowners and potential mortgage investors holding the bag. Even after adjusting for inflation and appreciation, the loss to both investors and consumers is staggering. 

Properly understanding this data might require adding some new terms to your personal lexicon. As the housing market begins to get its arms around the impact of climate change to housing, here are a few terms you will want to incorporate into your vocabulary.

  1. Natural Hazard

In partnership with climate modeling experts, RiskSpan has identified 21 different natural hazards that impact housing in the U.S. These include familiar hazards such as floods and earthquakes, along with lesser-known perils, such as drought, extreme temperatures, and other hydrological perils including mudslides and coastal erosion. The housing industry is beginning to work through how best to identify and quantify exposure and incorporate the impact of perils into risk management practices more broadly. Legacy thinking and risk management would classify these risks as covered by property insurance with little to no downstream risk to investors. However, as the frequency and severity increase, it is becoming more evident that risks are not completely covered by property & casualty insurance.

We will address some of these “hidden risks” of climate to housing in a forthcoming post.

  1. Wildland Urban Interface

The U.S. Fire Administration defines Wildland Urban Interface as “the zone of transition between unoccupied land and human development. It is the line, area, or zone where structures and other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland or vegetative fuels.” An estimated 46 million residences in 70,000 communities in the United States are at risk for WUI fires. Wildfires in California garner most of the press attention. But fire risk to WUIs is not just a west coast problem — Florida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania are among the top five states at risk. Communities adjacent to and surrounded by wildland are at varying degrees of risk from wildfires and it is important to assess these risks properly. Many of these exposed homes do not have sufficient insurance coverage to cover for losses due to wildfire.

  1. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

The National Flood Insurance Program provides flood insurance to property owners and is managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Anyone living in a participating NFIP community may purchase flood insurance. But those in specifically designated high-risk SFPAs must obtain flood insurance to obtain a government-backed mortgage. SFHAs as currently defined, however, are widely believed to be outdated and not fully inclusive of areas that face significant flood risk. Changes are coming to the NFIP (see our recent blog post on the topic) but these may not be sufficient to cover future flood losses.

  1. Transition Risk

Transition risk refers to risks resulting from changing policies, practices or technologies that arise from a societal move to reduce its carbon footprint. While the physical risks from climate change have been discussed for many years, transition risks are a relatively new category. In the housing space, policy changes could increase the direct cost of homeownership (e.g., taxes, insurance, code compliance, etc.), increase energy and other utility costs, or cause localized employment shocks (i.e., the energy industry in Houston). Policy changes by the GSEs related to property insurance requirements could have big impacts on affected neighborhoods.

  1. Physical Risk

In housing, physical risks include the risk of loss to physical property or loss of land or land use. The risk of property loss can be the result of a discrete catastrophic event (hurricane) or of sustained negative climate trends in a given area, such as rising temperatures that could make certain areas uninhabitable or undesirable for human housing. Both pose risks to investors and homeowners with the latter posing systemic risk to home values across entire communities.

  1. Livability Risk

We define livability risk as the risk of declining home prices due to the desirability of a neighborhood. Although no standard definition of “livability” exists, it is generally understood to be the extent to which a community provides safe and affordable access to quality education, healthcare, and transportation options. In addition to these measures, homeowners also take temperature and weather into account when choosing where to live. Finding a direct correlation between livability and home prices is challenging; however, an increased frequency of extreme weather events clearly poses a risk to long-term livability and home prices.

Data and toolsets designed explicitly to measure and monitor climate related risk and its impact on the housing market are developing rapidly. RiskSpan is at the forefront of developing these tools and is working to help mortgage credit investors better understand their exposure and assess the value at risk within their businesses.

Contact us to learn more.

Why Mortgage Climate Risk is Not Just for Coastal Investors

When it comes to climate concerns for the housing market, sea level rise and its impacts on coastal communities often get top billing. But this article in yesterday’s New York Times highlights one example of far-reaching impacts in places you might not suspect.

Chicago, built on a swamp and virtually surrounded by Lake Michigan, can tie its whole existence as a city to its control and management of water. But as the Times article explains, management of that water is becoming increasingly difficult as various dynamics related to climate change are creating increasingly large and unpredictable fluctuations in the level of the lake (higher highs and lower lows). These dynamics are threatening the city with more frequency and severe flooding.

The Times article connects water management issues to housing issues in two ways: the increasing frequency of basement flooding caused by sewer overflow and the battering buildings are taking from increased storm surge off the lake. Residents face increasing costs to mitigate their exposure and fear the potentially negative impact on home prices. As one resident puts it, “If you report [basement flooding] to the city, and word gets out, people fear it’s going to devalue their home.”

These concerns — increasing peril exposure and decreasing valuations — echo fears expressed in a growing number of seaside communities and offer further evidence that mortgage investors cannot bank on escaping climate risk merely by avoiding the coasts. Portfolios everywhere are going to need to begin incorporating climate risk into their analytics.

Hurricane Season a Double-Whammy for Mortgage Prepayments

As hurricane (and wildfire) season ramps up, don’t sleep on the increase in prepayment speeds after a natural disaster event. The increase in delinquencies might get top billing, but prepays also increase after events—especially for homes that were fully insured against the risk they experienced. For a mortgage servicer with concentrated geographic exposure to the event area, this can be a double-whammy impacting their balance sheet—delinquencies increase servicing advances, prepays rolling loans off the book. Hurricane Katrina loan performance is a classic example of this dynamic.


The NRI: An Emerging Tool for Quantifying Climate Risk in Mortgage Credit

Climate change is affecting investment across virtually every sector in a growing number of mostly secondary ways. Its impact on mortgage credit investors, however, is beginning to be felt more directly.

Mortgage credit investors are investors in housing. Because housing is subject to climate risk and borrowers whose houses are destroyed by natural disasters are unlikely to continue paying their mortgages, credit investors have a vested interest in quantifying the risk of these disasters.

To this end, RiskSpan is engaged in leveraging the National Risk Index (NRI) to assess the natural disaster and climate risk exposure of mortgage portfolios.

This post introduces the NRI data in the context of mortgage portfolio analysis (loans or mortgage-backed securities), including what the data contain and key considerations when putting together an analysis. A future post will outline an approach for integrating this data into a framework for scenario analysis that combines this data with traditional mortgage credit models.

The National Risk Index

The National Risk Index (NRI) was released in October 2020 through a collaboration led by FEMA. It provides a wealth of new geographically specific data on natural hazard risks across the country. The index and its underlying data were designed to help local governments and emergency planners to better understand these risks and to plan and prepare for the future.

The NRI provides information on both the frequency and severity of natural risk events. The level of detailed underlying data it provides is astounding. The NRI focuses on 18 natural risks (discussed below) and provides detailed underlying components for each. The severity of an event is broken out by damage to buildings, agriculture, and loss of life. This breakdown lets us focus on the severity of events relative to buildings. While the definition of building here includes all types of real estate—houses, commercial, rental, etc.—having the breakdown provides an extra level of granularity to help inform our analysis of mortgages.

The key fields that provide important information for a mortgage portfolio analysis are bulleted below. The NRI provides these data points for each of the 18 natural hazards and each geography they include in their analysis.

  • Annualized Event Frequency
  • Exposure to Buildings: Total dollar amount of exposed buildings
  • Historical Loss Ratio for Buildings (Bayesian methods to derive this estimate, such that every geography is covered for its relevant risks)
  • Expected Annual Loss for Buildings
  • Population estimates (helpful for geography weighting)

Grouping Natural Disaster Risks for Mortgage Analysis

The NRI data covers 18 natural hazards, which pose varying degrees of risk to housing. We have found the framework below to be helpful when considering which risks to include in an analysis. We group the 18 risks along two axes:

1) The extent to which an event is impacted by climate change, and

2) An event’s potential to completely destroy a home.

Earthquakes, for example, have significant destructive potential, but climate change is not a major contributor to earthquakes. Conversely, heat waves and droughts wrought by climate change generally do not pose significant risk to housing structures.

When assessing climate risk, RiskSpan typically focuses on the five natural hazard risks in the top right quadrant below.

Immediate Event Risk versus Cumulative Event Risk

Two related but distinct risks inform climate risk analysis.

  1. Immediate Event Analysis: The risk of mortgage delinquency and default resulting directly from a natural disaster eventhome severely damaged or destroyed by a hurricane, for example.  
  2. Cumulative Event Risk: Less direct than immediate event risk, this is the risk of widespread home price declines across an entire area communities because of increasing natural hazard risk brought on by climate changeThese secondary effects include: 
    • Heightened homebuyer awareness or perception of increasing natural hazard risk,
    • Property insurance premium increases or areas becoming ‘self-insured, 
    • Government policy impacts (e.g., potential flood zone remapping), and 
    • Potential policy changes related to insurance from key players in the mortgage market (i.e., Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHFA, etc.). 

NRI data provides an indication of the probability of immediate event occurrence and its historic severity in terms of property losses. We can also empirically observe historical mortgage performance in the wake of previous natural disaster events. Data covering several hurricane and wildfire events are available.

Cumulative event risk is less observable. A few academic papers attempt to tease out these impacts, but the risk of broader home price declines typically needs to be incorporated into a risk assessment framework through transparent scenario overlays. Examples of such scenarios include home price declines of as much as 20% in newly flood-exposed areas of South Florida. There is also research suggesting that there are often long term impacts to consumer credit following a natural disaster 

Geography Normalization

Linking to the NRI is simple when detailed loan pool geographic data are available. Analysts can merge by census tract or county code. Census tract is the more geographically granular measure and provides a more detailed analysis.

For many capital markets participants, however, that level of geographic specific detail is not available. At best, an investor may have a 5-digit or 3-digit zip code. Zip codes do not directly match to a given county or census tract and can potentially span across those distinctions.

There is no perfect way to perform the data link when zip code is the only available geographic marker. We take an approach that leverages the other data on housing stock by census tract to weight mortgage portfolio data when multiple census tracts map to a zip code.

Other Data Limitations

The loss information available represents a simple historical average loss rate given an event. But hurricanes (and hurricane seasons) are not all created equal. The same is true of other natural disasters. Relying on averages may work over long time horizons but could significantly underpredict or overpredict loss in a particular year. Further, the frequency of events is rising so that what used to be considered 100 year event may be closer to a 10 or 20 year event. Lacking data about what losses might look like under extreme scenarios makes modeling such events problematic.

The data also make it difficult to take correlation into account. Hurricanes and coastal flooding are independent events in the dataset but are obviously highly correlated with one another. The impact of a large storm on one geographic area is likely to be correlated with that of nearby areas (such as when a hurricane makes its way up the Eastern Seaboard).

The workarounds for these limitations have limitations of their own. But one solution involves designing transparent assumptions and scenarios related to the probability, severity, and correlation of stress events. We can model outlier events by assuming that losses for a particular peril follow a normal distribution with set standard deviations. Other assumptions can be made about correlations between perils and geographies. Using these assumptions, stress scenarios can be derived by picking a particular percentile along the loss distribution.

A Promising New Credit Analysis Tool for Mortgages

Notwithstanding its limitations, the new NRI data is a rich source of information that can be leveraged to help augment credit risk analysis of mortgage and mortgage-backed security portfolios. The data holds great promise as a starting point (and perhaps more) for risk teams starting to put together climate risk and other ESG analysis frameworks.

Nearly $8 Trillion in Senior Home Equity Pushes Reverse Mortgage Market Index Upward

The NRMLA/RiskSpan Reverse Mortgage Market Index (RMMI) rose to 280.99 during the third quarter of 2020, an all-time high. This reflects a 1.6% increase in senior home equity, which now stands at an estimated $7.82 trillion. Growth in senior homeowner’s wealth was largely attributable to an estimated 1.6% (or $149 billion) increase in senior housing value, offset by 1.6% (or $28 billion) increase of senior-held mortgage debt.

The National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association (NRMLA) and RiskSpan have published the Reverse Mortgage Market Index (RMMI) since the beginning of 2000. The RMMI provides a trending measure of home equity among U.S. homeowners age 62 and older.

The RMMI defines senior home equity as the difference between the aggregate value of homes owned and occupied by seniors and the aggregate mortgage balance secured by those homes. This measure enables NRMLA to help gauge the potential market size of those who may be qualified for a reverse mortgage product. The chart above illustrates the steady increase in this index since the end of the 2008 recession.

Increasing house prices drive the index’s upward trend, mitigated to some extent by a corresponding modest increase in mortgage debt held by seniors. The most recent RMMI report (reflecting data as of the end of Q3 20202) was published last week on NRMLA’s website.

Note on the Limitations of RMMI

To calculate the RMMI, an econometric tool is developed to estimate senior housing value, senior mortgage level, and senior equity using data gathered from various public resources such as American Community Survey (ACS), Federal Reserve Flow of Funds (Z.1), and FHFA housing price indexes (HPI). The RMMI is simply the senior equity level at time of measure relative to that of the base quarter in 2000.[1]  The main limitation of RMMI is non-consecutive data, such as census population. We use a smoothing approach to estimate data in between the observable periods and continue to look for ways to improve our methodology and find more robust data to improve the precision of the results. Until then, the RMMI and its relative metrics (values, mortgages, home equities) are best analyzed at a trending macro level, rather than at more granular levels, such as MSA.

[1] There was a change in RMMI methodology in Q3 2015 mainly to calibrate senior homeowner population and senior housing values observed in 2013 American Community Survey (ACS).

Advanced Technologies Offer an Escape Route for Structured Products When Crises Hit

A Chartis Whitepaper in Collaboration with RiskSpan

COVID-19 has highlighted how financial firms’ technology infrastructures and capabilities are often poorly designed for unexpected events – but lessons are being learned. The ongoing revolution in risk-management technology can help firms address their immediate issues in times of crisis.

By taking the steps we outline here, firms can start to position themselves at the leading edge of portfolio and risk management when such events do occur.

Where Would We Be Without the Mortgage Market?

It’s bleak out there. Can you imagine how much bleaker it would be if the U.S. mortgage market weren’t doing its thing to prop up the economy?

The mortgage market is helping healthy borrowers take advantage of lower interest rates to improve their personal balance sheets. And it is helping struggling borrowers by offering generous loss mitigation options. 

The mortgage market plays a unique role in the U.S. economy. It is a hybrid consortium of originators, guarantors, investors, and policymakers intent on offering competitive rates in a transparent market structure—a structure that is the beneficiary of both good government policy and a robust, competitive private marketplace. 

The mortgage market’s pro-cyclical role in the U.S. economy allocates credit and interest rate risk among borrowers, investors and the federal government. When the government’s interest rates go down, so do mortgage rates.

March 2020

COVID-19 turned the world’s economies on their heads. Once strong growing economies ground to a stop. By mid-March, the negative effect of the pandemic in the U.S. was clear, with sharply rising unemployment claims and a declining Q1 GDP. COVID-19 did not spare the mortgage market. Fear of borrower defaults led to a freezing up of the credit market, which in turn fueled anxiety among mortgage servicers, guarantors, investors, and originators.

The U.S. government and Federal Reserve responded quickly. Applying lessons learned from the 2008, they initiated housing relief programs early. Congress immediately passed legislation enabling forbearance and eviction protection programs to borrowers and renters. The Federal Reserve promptly cut interest rates to near zero while using its balance sheet to quell market concerns and ensure liquidity.

The FHFA’s Credit Risk Transfer program worked as intended, sharing with willing investors the credit risk uncertainty and, in due course, the resulting credit losses. By April, the mortgage market’s guarantors—Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—imposed P&I advance programs on servicers and investors, thus ensuring the continuation of the mortgage servicing market.

Rallying the Troops

Boy, it was a tough spring for the industry. But now all the pieces were in place:

  1. New legislation to aid borrowers
  2. Lower rates and market liquidity from the Fed
  3. P&I advance solutions and underwriting guidance from the Agencies

The U.S. mortgage market was finally in a position to play its role in steadying the economy. Mortgages help the economy by lowering debt burden ratios and increasing available spendable income and investible assets. Both of these conditions contribute to the stabilization and recovery of the economy. 

This relief is provided through:

  • Rate-and-term refinances, which lower borrowers’ monthly mortgage payments,
  • Purchase loans, which help borrowers capitalize on low interest rates to buy new houses, and
  • Cash-out refinances, which enable borrowers to convert home equity into spendable and investable cash.

Mortgage origination volume in 2020 is now projected to reach $2.8 trillion—a 30% increase over 2019—despite 11% unemployment and more than 4 million loans in forbearance.

But near-term issues remain

It would be a misstatement to say all things are great for the U.S. mortgage market. While mortgage rates are at 50-year lows, they are not as low as they could be. The dramatic increase in volume has forced originators to raise rates in order to manage their production surges. Mortgage servicing rights values have plunged on new originations, which also leads to higher borrower rates. In other words, a good portion of the pro-cyclical benefit of lower interest rates is not actually making its way into the hands of mortgage borrowers.

In addition, the current high rate of unemployment and forbearance will ultimately come home to roost in the form of elevated default rates as the economy’s recovery from COVID-19 continues to look more U-shaped than the originally hoped for V-shape. Any increases in default rates will certainly be met with new rounds of government intervention. This almost always results in higher costs to servicers.  

Long-term uncertainties

The pandemic continues to wreak havoc on people and economies. Its duration and cumulative impacts are still unknown but are certain to reshape the U.S. mortgage market. Still unanswered are the growing questions around how the following will affect local real estate values, defaults, and future business volumes:

  • The emerging work-from-home economy
  • Permanent employment dislocations from the loss of travel, entertainment, and retail jobs
  • Loss of future rate-and-term refinance business because of today’s low rates
  • Muted future purchase volumes due to high unemployment

Notwithstanding these uncertainties, the U.S. mortgage market will play a vital role in the economy’s rebuilding. Its resiliency and willingness to learn from past mistakes, combined with an activist role of government and its guarantors, not only ensure the market’s long-term viability and success. These qualities also position it as a mooring point for an economy otherwise tossed about in a turbulent storm of uncertainty. 

Webinar: Basics of the Reference Rate Transition


Basics of the Reference Rate Transition

In June 2017, the ARRC announced the Secure Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) as its recommended alternative rate, replacing LIBOR by the end of 2021.

Learn from RiskSpan experts Tom Pappalardo and Pat Greene the current industry standard for LIBOR, the possible challenges with SOFR, and how to mitigate your risk.

About The Hosts

Tom Pappalardo

Managing Director

Thomas Pappalardo is head of RiskSpan’s Data, Modeling and Analytics Consulting Practice and has 20+ years of broad experience in mortgage technology, finance and operations and retail banking industries. He is an experienced engagement manager, data and business requirements lead, business process and internal controls analyst and financial model validator. At RiskSpan, Tom has led multiple client engagements supporting the development of analytical applications, reengineering of business processes, validation of financial models and development of model risk management policies for the GSE’s (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Federal Home Loan Banks), commercial banks, mortgage banks and non-bank servicers.

Patrick Greene

Senior Managing Director

Patrick Greene currently supports consulting and advisory services provided by RiskSpan for clients implementing securitization activities. In addition, he has delivered technology solutions and provided financial model validation support to multiple RiskSpan clients whose business practices rely on credit models, interest-rate models, prepayment models, income simulation models, counter-party risk models, whole loan valuation models, and bond redemption forecasting models. Pat is an experienced executive who has been responsible for the management of a leading asset securitization program for a national financial institution.

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