RiskSpan’s Snowflake Tutorial Series: Ep. 1
Learn how to create a new Snowflake database and upload large loan-level datasets
The first episode of RiskSpan’s Snowflake Tutorial Series has dropped!
This six-minute tutorial succinctly demonstrates how to:
- Set up a new Snowflake #database
- Use SnowSQL to load large datasets (28 million #mortgage loans in this example)
- Use internal staging (without a #cloud provider)
This is this first in what is expected to be a 10-part tutorial series demonstrating how RiskSpan’s Snowflake integration makes mortgage and structured finance analytics easier than ever before.
Future topics will include:
- Executing complex queries using python functions in Snowflake’s SQL
- External Tables (accessing data without a database)
- OLAP vs OLTP and hybrid tables in Snowflake
- Time Travel functionality, clone and data replication
- Normalizing data and creating a single materialized view
- Dynamic tables data concepts in Snowflake
- Data share
- Data masking
- Snowpark: Data analysis (pandas) functionality in Snowflake